I am trying to get cloudflare tunnel working with my nextcloud instance. I am running both cloudflare and nextcloud in their own lxc containers running on Proxmox. I can access the nextcloud instance on the local network with no problem but trying to access it via the cloudflare tunnel domain ...
如果可能,考虑使用 VPN 或直接网络连接来访问 SSH 服务,而不是通过 Cloudflare Tunnel。 修改Cloudflare Tunnel 配置: 确保你的 Cloudflare Tunnel 配置正确,特别是 originURL 应该指向一个能处理 WebSocket 连接的 HTTP/HTTPS 服务。 如果你正在尝试通过非标准端口或协议映射 SSH,这通常不是 Cloudflare Tunnel 的直接...
CDN 厂商了,相信很多人应该都知道,今天我在逛 Cloudflare の Docs 时发现了个 Argo Tunnel 试用了一...