There are many takeaways from Stuart Richardson's more-than-feature-length documentary "No Half Measures: Creating the Final Season of Breaking Bad," which is featured in the "Breaking Bad" complete series DVD set. But perhaps the dominant takeaway is that after roughly 135 minutes of exhaustiv...
Bad Dragon “never sold anything explicitly” based on cub porn (that is, furry porn with child characters), LHughes said, and at the time the furry community was “way easier on cub stuff” in general. But 11 years later, it’s hard to look at The Adolescent andnotfeel uncomfortable....
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Bad Ice Cream: Control your ice creams and collect all the fruit while defending yourself from enemies. This is a great game to play with friends. Play now! Play game PlayGround Monetize © 2023 Game Monetization by ...
FEEL SO USED BY HER NASTY MIND GAMES; DEAR COLEEN; Britain's most straight-talking problem page "Why make them feel bad when we have the power to make them feel good?" she wrote. Iqra Aziz opens up about cyberbullying in a candid Instagram post While not necess...
Heeft iedereen recht op een tweede kans? Worden misdaden ooit vergeten? Achter het gezicht van de gewone man, onherkenbaar tussen de massa, bevinden zich vele oorlogsmisdadigers, voormalige leden van de maffia en andere criminelen die ongestraft wegkomen met moord of erger. Tenminste, tot...
Similarly to how the original film parodied the original Star Wars films and the Star Trek universe, each episode of the series parodies a different film or other aspect of popular culture, such as the Star Wars prequel trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, or the Grand ...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook bad trot Idioms n slangAustrala period of ill fortune Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch is an animated television series that acts as both a sequel to and a spin-off of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It focuses on the squad known as Clone Force 99, a band of genetically enhanced clone troopers. It was announced on July 13, 2020 and premiered on ...