of cannabis your dumb older brother’s friend would try and grow in their parent’s backyard, and then subsequently attempt to sell to you. Some also call it brick weed, because it usually shipped across the U.S.-Mexican border in hard bricks. (You wonder why it’s so dry and crumbly...
And yes, using drugs without a good reason is stupid, even more when you're not even aware of what exactly are you taking, the effects that it has on you and so on. Just remembering that every single drug may have different effects in different people because of different mutations in...
Long term use of marijuana combines some of the worst effects of both -- slowing the mind in much the same way as alcoholism and doing the same damage to heart and lungs as tobacco.So, within the confines of a conservative anti-drug policy, what exactly could the propagandists do? They...
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are the most commonly used tobacco product among US young adults (YAs) aged 18 to 24 years.1Data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that e-cigarette use (ever...