Prompt to GPT: Now let’s talk about food. We’ll assume the sheep eat hay. According to my information,2 a typical bale of hay is 14x13x86 inches in size (width, height, length) and weighs an average of 65 pounds. Calculate the volume occupied by one bale of hay. Response: the...
Prompt to GPT: Now let’s talk about food. We’ll assume the sheep eat hay. According to my information,2 a typical bale of hay is 14x13x86 inches in size (width, height, length) and weighs an average of 65 pounds. Calculate the volume occupied by one bale of hay. Response: the...
“Eat Pray Drugs” is a chilling look at the trifecta of opioids — food, religion, narcotics — in small towns where hope doesn’t come in large supply. Pillbox Patti
4.[i:] ea组合; sea 海洋;tea茶;peach桃子;teacher教师;read读;please请;eat吃;meat肉;seat座位; beak鸟嘴 dream做梦 leaves树叶 5.[e] ea组合; head头;bread面包;feather羽毛;weather天气; 6.[iə] ear组合: ear耳朵;dear亲爱的;hear听见;...
Kris-Etherton says. "Studies that rely on 24-hour recalls to assess dietary intake are limited by the fact that what people eat one day may not be the way they typically eat," she says. "If food frequency questionnaires are used, sometimes only 40 foods are listed, and these dietary ass...
Them making me eat horrible food, holding my dolls for ransom, taking the remote from me, not letting me talk on the phone, and harassing every single guy I've ever dated. Well, besides Anthony. " you'll pick them up then," my dad says. "Yeah sure, no problem." I don't ...
59. "Damn girl, I'm gonna have to file a complaint. Cause the reverse sirens on that dump truck are busted." —u/tinktink944 60. "Did it hurt when you fell? When you fell from heaven?" —j46b06b03c 61. "You are everything I never knew I always wanted." Columbia Pictures —...
1 drop food coloring 1. Heat milk and flour over low heat, until very thick. Let cool and set aside. 2. Cream together sugar and butter 3. Add cooled milk and flour mixture, mix thoroughly until whip cream consistency 4. Add vanilla, and mix thoroughly ...