doubtful account 坏帐;呆帐见bad debts. reserve for loss on doubtful accounts for bad debts 【经】 呆帐损失准备 bad account n. 坏账,无法收回的应收款项 loss on bad account 【经】 呆帐损失 bad account, dead account, 坏帐、呆帐、死帐 uncollectible account, bad debt, bad loan 坏帐、呆帐、...
bad and doubtful account 坏帐与呆帐 doubtful accounts 【经】 呆帐, 可疑帐款 doubtful notes and accounts 【经】 呆帐 相似单词 doubtful a. 可疑的,疑心的,不确的 debts [debt] 的名词复数形式 bad a. 1.坏的,不好的;拙劣的;令人不悦的 2.不健全的;有病的;疼痛的 3.有害的(+for) 4....
Chapter2BadDebtsandAllowanceforDoubtful 系统标签: allowancedoubtfuldebtschapterbadfwfa 14 Chapter2BadDebtsandAllowancefor DoubtfulAccounts Notestoteachers 1StartwithChapter3ofFrankWood’sIntroductiontoAccountingandbrieflyexplaintostudentshowto recordcreditsalesinthebooks. 2Askstudentswhatshouldbedoneinthebooksifitis...
Bad debts 系已确认的坏账. 因此直接由应收账中撇销.Dr Bad debts Cr. Accounts Receivable Doubtful debts系有可能收不到的呆账, 所以做provision for doubtful debts.Dr Profit and loss account Cr Provision for doubtful debts.,Bad debts me the amount already irrecoverable from the debtors. Th...
英文 reserve for loss on doubtful accounts for bad debts 中文 【经】 呆帐损失准备最新查询: reserve for do reserve for do reserve for em reserve for eq reserve for ex reserve for ex reserve for ex reserve for ex reserve for ex reserve for fl reserve for fl reserve for fo reserve for fo...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: reserve for loss on doubtful accounts for bad debts reserve for loss on doubtful accounts for bad debts分享到: 【经】 呆帐损失准备分类: 通用词汇 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献...
Direct write-off method, which removes the uncollectible amount directly from Accounts Receivable and records the amount as Bad Debts Expense Allowance method, which estimates the likely amount that will not be collected, and immediately credits Allowance for Doubtful Accounts and debits Bad Debts Expen...
provisionfordoubtful debts andthatthe policy would also be applied to the accounts of the Multilateral Fund. 他还说,环境规划署正在通过一项会计政策,这项政策要求环境规划署设立呆账准备5 金,这一政策还也适用于多边基金的账户。
Bad Debts Expense: Yes, bad debts expenses increase the allowance for a doubtful debt account. A bad debt expense is recorded in order to provide...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Try it risk-free for 30 days Try it risk-free Ask a question Our experts can answer your ...
prompting the need for aprovision for doubtful debts, which estimates potential losses from unpaid accounts. Bothdepreciationandbad debtssignificantly affect a company’s financial statements, influencingasset valuationandnet income. Effectively managing these elements fosters financial stability and infor...