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the script which doesn't contain a single amusing or remotely clever line is catatonic. Absolutely nobody on-screen appears to have any enthusiasm for either the witless gibberish they've been given to spout or the been-done-a-thousand-times-before situations they find themselves in...
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Though not Herzog's best, it is certainly one worth watching. With each film I see from him, past or present he continues to intrigue me, but I think in this case, it might be Nicholas Cage who deserves the most credit. Helpful•154 88 ...
They’re not criminals, or drug-dealers, or even people. They’re monsters. Plain and simple. All you can do with a monster is all you can do with a guy with Ebola. Put him down. But first, you’ve gotta find him." ―Hank's third blog entry[src]...
a shark instead could sink their boat, but Soo-yeol is certain he can find the evidence they need. Bong-pil reports their conversation to the commissioner, assuring him it’s a win-win: either they succeed and the commissioner gets the credit, or they fail and Soo-yeol takes the blame....
That’s where they come in, and Team Crazy Dogs will take the same Korean War-era military strategy (the Battle of Incheon) to first ambush the three dealers all at once. We see the first part of the plan go rather smoothly as each of our bad guys take each of the three middlemen ...
From digital nomads to snowbirds dividing time between the north and south, cars are sitting in garages or driveways for longer periods than in the past. So, what happens to the gasoline inside these vehicles when it stagnates for weeks or even months? Does gasoline go bad? And if so, how...
Have you read the new play – the new poem – the new pamphlet – the last novel?', was all you heard: 'You cannot creditably frequent intelligent company, without being prepared to answer these questions, and the progeny that springs from them'. The consequence?