Unlike the secured loan, the credit card companies don’t have to go to court to shut down the card and report misuse to the credit agencies. These companies issue credit at will at high interest because usury laws were eliminated to legalize th...
Whether it’s from your credit card, your college loans, your car loan, or some other liability, being in debt is a blow to our confidence. Here are six simple steps to get out of debt.The definition of poorWhen discussing debt, rich dad used to say "The more people you're indebted...
1. Make On Time Payments Making on-time payments reflects positively on your credit score. On top of this, paying back your debts in full can help you establish good credit. Good credit generally means you get more favorable terms for future debt (including low interest rates). 2. Pay Off...
Spencer LEVINSON: I used to spend toward the upper end of my credit limit and pay it off immediately, thinking that that would actually boost my credit score. And I later learned that it actually does the opposite. KULMAN: I couldn’t figure out what was wrong until I finally discovered ...
To their credit, they did give me complete autonomy to run the company exactly as I wanted, with no interference... this 'test' would only last for a few weeks and then they would see how good 'this B.S. works'. Three years later they were at over $50 million dollars. Below is ...
Diane Ravitch put it all in context of the social and historical struggle I had learned about, myself, in high school. I was engaged in the good fight for the civil rights of my students. Brown vs. Board wasn’t just a story in some textbook. I could see how the outmoded excuse of...
I don't mean to put down others, I try and be more positive than that. So this next section is not a put-down for the 'real estate gurus'. I have worked with many, and I think you can learn something from anybody you ever meet - including these guys/gals. But I know that many...