and even today it still impress me a great deal due to the quality of everything that's presented. Nostalgia hits real hard with this because it was back when I was starting to know, and this came up on a compilation of their greatest hits, one of the very first CD's I ever got....
This train is scheduled to arrive in Boston at 8:30 AM, there is then a train at 11:00 am that travels to Franklin, MA which is the town next to me. From there I will schedule a ride sharing company to drive me the six miles back to my house. I realize I can get off the tr...
when he’s basically just phoning it in. This band, though. The bass player looks like Marla Hooch, and you’ve got disco legs lead singer guy who looks like a gym teacher, and a keyboard player who looks like your company’s IT guy. Yet they hit it out of the...
But it’s all about the career moves. Getting to watch the great ones. It was about being around those who are considered to be the greatest of all time, being in that company. And just seeing it up close — even if I wasn’t getting paid, just to see it up close, see how they...
We had been wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery an hour in the morning; but since dinner (Mrs. Reed, when there was no company, dined early) the cold winter wind had brought with it clouds so sombre, and a rain so penetrating, that further out-door exercise was now out of...
Microsoft has struggled in China. Piracy of its software is rampant, and much of the public sees the company as a foreign bully. Analysts believe it is losing money here. When it launched its free blogging platform last May, part of the Chinese version of its portal site, it hop...