2019-05-16T00:08:57.957Z [debug] [kit] Reading kits file C:\Users\joee\AppData\Local\CMakeTools\cmake-tools-kits.json 2019-05-16T00:08:57.957Z [debug] [kit] Not reading non-existent kits file: c:\Users\joee\dev\cmaketest\.vscode\cmake-kits.json 2019-05-16T00:08:57.994Z [in...
I have added following environments to local user environments: QTDIR=C:\Qt_v2\6.7.0\msvc2019_64 Path+=C:\Qt_v2\6.7.0\msvc2019_64\bin Started VSCode, installed all extensions required from extensions.json, now I get following error. CMak...
MSVC/14.29.30037/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe” -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=“c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2019\professional\common7\ide\commonextensions\microsoft\cmake\Ninja\ninja.exe” “C:\Users\alex\Documents\Projects\EFLX_compiler_rep” 2>&1”’ returned with exit code: ...
稳定的向后兼容性,也让程序员可以放心地在项目中使用 CMake,即使是前辈们留下的祖传代码,依然可以平稳丝滑地构建成功。 CMake 支持在同一个项目中使用多种开发环境和编译器,例如 Visual Studio、QtCreator、JetBrains、Vim、Emacs、GCC、MSVC、Clang、Int...
I am currently working on a Open-Source Project, which has some third-party library dependencies, I have installed all of them using Vcpkg into a particular folder in my E: drive and integrated them with Visual Studio with the "vcpkg integrate install" command, and supplied the Cmake toolcha...
I inherited a Visual Studio 2008 project that creates a dll that includes some Win v7.1A SDK .libs (odbc32, odbccp32, setupapi). I want to make it a CMake project (because the project will need to be cross platform in the future) but It doesn't work. I can create a .lib...
If the executable fails to start due to missing DLLs, try installing the latestVisual C++ redistributable files for Visual Studio 2019. Linux For Linux, anAppImageis provided. Please note that it is also required to download the loop closure resource files as described below in this ReadMe, or...
Chrome at google-chrome [✓] Linux toolchain - develop for Linux desktop • clang version 6.0.0-1ubuntu2 (tags/RELEASE_600/final) • cmake version 3.10.2 • ninja version 1.8.2 • pkg-config version 0.29.1 [✓] Android Studio (version 3.3) • Android Studio at /home/ble...
I am currently working on a Open-Source Project, which has some third-party library dependencies, I have installed all of them using Vcpkg into a particular folder in my E: drive and integrated them with Visual Studio with the "vcpkg integrate install" command, and supplied the Cmake toolcha...