Star Wars: The Bad Batch recently ended after three seasons (Credit: Lucasfilm).The Bad Batch recently concluded after the release of its third and final season. Despite the series coming to an end, executive producer Brad Rau has hinted that this might not be the last we see of the Bad...
"During our first year on Disney+, our animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, saw tremendous success with its epic seventh and final season. Building on the legacy of The Clone Wars, our new animated series The Bad Batch, follows the specialist commandos of Clone Force 99 as they ...
The Star Wars universe continues toexpand its galaxy far, far away on Disney+with supplemental content like the animated showThe Bad Batch. Season 2 has just premiered on the streamer, continuing the intimately scaled and daring missions of the titular band of veterans formerly known as Clone F...
“Star Wars: The Bad Batch” debuts with the first three episodes onWednesday, February 21, exclusively on Disney+. Season 3 Episode Schedule: 2/21: Episode 301 “Confined,” Episode 302 “Paths Unknown,” Episode 303 “Shadows of Tantiss” (debut) 2/28: E...
This site has the full list of episode titles and release dates. Watch the Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 3 Trailer Plus, get the episodic release schedule and see the new teaser poster. Reactions: TravisR and Sam Favate Jan 23, 2024 #125 of 152 TravisR Senio...
WithStar Wars: The Bad Batchscheduled to premiere on Disney+ in 2021, here’s everything we know about the series. Image used with permission by copyright holder The story According to Disney,The Bad Batchwill follow the titular squad of troopers who made their debut inseason 7 of...
only to realize it's not Gus, but Victor's replacement Tyrus, here to pick up the latest batch. When Mike demands a second weighing ("new policy") Walt asks to see Gus to "clear the air.", but Mike replies that Walt won't ever see him again. Late that night, Walt approaches ...
NBC is the first broadcast network to unveil its schedule for the 2015-16 TV season, and the biggest news regarding returning shows involves a delayed start for Chicago Fire (blame Neil Patrick Harris!) and a super-powered Thursday lead-in for The Blacklist (hello, Heroes Reborn!).Also of...
they are not very sweet at all. If your mom ever forgot to add the sugar when she was brewing up a batch of Kool-Aid (which happened in my house every now and then), that’s the sweetness level we’re talking about. They’re pretty tart, and even though we don’t get the sweet...
with the audience getting his perspective as he went through the TOPGUN program. He is also the main character inTop Gun: Maverick, with the ace pilot returning to train a new batch of TOPGUN pilots. Although there were a lot of loose ends afterTop Gun,Top Gun: Maverickwrapped them up,...