She was also the recognized local expert on rapid diagnosis of rabies, a horrific disease still “treated” largely by use ofmadstones, a holdover from folk medical practices. Since rabies is guaranteed to kill once symptoms appear, Dr. Knabe’s improved method of quickly diagnosing its presence...
large dosage of probiotics. They experienced die off symptoms and their odor went away. This person had fecal BO, not BB. But I decided to try it too, I took triple the dosage of a good probiotic and boy oh boy did I experience die off symtoms. It felt like a really bad hangover,...
The so-called “bad breath laser treatment” uses a laser to destroy infected tissue on the tonsils. The laser first kills any bacteria that have infected the tonsils, and then seals up the grooves and pits on the tonsils with scar tissue so that bacteria cannot reinfect them. A laser can...
Warning: Oscillococcinum cannot cure the flu, mitigate its symptoms, or help with any other disease. Itsonlyuse is as described here: as a stand-in for sugar. If you’re upset about this, please contact CVS to complain: 1-800-SHOP-CVS (1-800-746-7287). 1/4 cup milk 1.5 tbsp flour...
Symptoms usually start 6 hours to 6 days after swallowing the bacteria, the CDC warned. Top 10 Most Recalled Food Items & How To Stay Safe The CDC estimates that 48 million people in the U.S. are infected by a food-borne illness every year, and an average of 3000 people even die. ...
Now, let’s delve into something serious. Diseases and parasites are invisible threats to your discus fish, turning it black.Discus plague, or discus black disease, is a viral condition causing your discus to turning dark. It has symptoms like bloody patches, white film on the fish’s body...
soaking them first. Beans have an indigestible outer coating of complex sugars called,Oligosaccharides. Beans also tend to be extremely moldy and dirty. Soaking minimizes gas and gets rid of the accumulated surface dirt, bacteria, and nasty stuff like insect larva, rodent contamination, and fertiliz...
Fans don’t contain active bacteria capable of making you sick. However, cold air blowing on your body throughout the night can worsen the symptoms of a cold or flu. It can also aggravate allergies, which can have symptoms similar to a cold. ...
PorkMostlySafePork is generally safe for dogs as long as it is cooked. Raw pork can host parasites or bacteria. Even though cooked pork is pretty safe to give to dogs, it's not something that I'd recommend doing often. Pork is usually a high fat meat and may not be optimal nutrition...
You don’t want to be mucking about down there with bleach, throwing your PH off balance and mutating all the lovely bacteria down there into peroxide babies.. you’d wind up with enough yeast to be able to open your own bakery. I have thought about it, but I can’t bring myself ...