Jack says theDiaper Rash and Thrushhelps to ease the pain of his red patches. He can clearly tell me now that the red patches of his butt hurt and he asks me to help him. Any mother knows how it feels to hear their child ask for help. We would bend over backwards. We would give...
Do you also have any advice for a yeast rash in cloth diapers. They are completely washed now but I have read that just bleach doesn’t get rid of the rash and I don’t dare put them back on my baby. I am a breastfeeding mama to two (18 mo.) and (5 mo.). I believe my ...
PLUGGED(堵住的)MILK DUCTA milk duct can become plugged. This may happen if the baby does not feed well, if the mother skips feedings (common when the child isweaning断奶), or if the mother's bra is too tight. Symptoms of a plugged milk duct inc...