肠道共生菌Bacteroides vulgatusmpk能够防止Rag1/小鼠结肠炎症的诱导,并促进Il2/小鼠的免疫平衡。Bacteroides vulgatusmpk在外膜起泡产生外膜囊泡(OMV),这些囊泡穿过粘液层,诱导树突状细胞(BMDC)成为耐受性半成熟表型。Bacteroides vulgatusmpk的OMV在预防和治疗炎症性肠病和其他全身性疾病方面有应用潜力。 (4)Bacteroides ...
After gavage withB. vulgatus/normal saline (NS) every other day for eight weeks, we observed poorer bone micro-structure in the OVX-NS mice, versus the sham-operated-NS mice (including lower trabecular number [Tb.N] and bone volume/tissue volume [BV/TV] but higher trabecular separation [T...
Bacteroides vulgatus is a natural candidate for exploring how these cooperative interactions impact evolution, due to its high abundance in the human gut [79], and its relevance for human health as a potential pathobiont [81] and ability to protect against E. coli-induced colitis [82]. Other ...
Bacteroides vulgatuscoronary artery diseasegut microbiomelipopolysaccharideBackground: It is increasingly recognized that gut microbiota play a pivotal role in the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Previously, we have reported that the abundance of genus Bacteroides is lower in patients ...
Bacteroides vulgatus is a natural candidate for exploring how these cooperative interactions impact evolution, due to its high abundance in the human gut [79], and its relevance for human health as a potential pathobiont [81] and ability to protect against E. coli-induced colitis [82]. Other ...
The study was carried out on stools of breast-fed infants with different genetic risk of CD (low and high); it showed that high-risk infants had a higher prevalence of Bacteroides vulgatus, whereas low-risk infants had higher population of B. A metabolomic perspective on coeliac disease Bacter...
ofBacteroides vulgatus. On follow-up, patients whose gut microbiome at baseline was characterized by a high abundance ofBacteroides doreiwere at high risk (GMB1) for immune-related adverse events (irAE 2+), compared to patients characterized by high abundance ofBacteroides vulgatus(GMB2, low-risk...
this singular approach did not yield bacteria that, following treatment, could confer resistance or susceptibility. These results highlight the complexity of gut microbiota interactions that culminate in resistance or susceptibility to Py hyperparasitemia and the need for additional investigation to identify...
(B. cellulosyliticusWH2,B. xylanisolvensXB1A,B. thetaiotaomicronVPI-5482,B. ovatusATCC 8483 andB. caccaeATCC 43185) as well as the noncolonizingPhocaeicola vulgatusATCC 8482 strain for their ability to grow on SG10. Only the two strains that possess a PUL with genes orthologous to genes...
江南大学最新论文揭示调控糖偏好的秘密 | 近日,江南大学朱升龙、陈永泉,及中国科学院大连化学物理研究所梁鑫淼等人,在 Nature 子刊 Nature Microbiology 上发表了题为:Free fatty acid receptor 4 modulates dietary sugar preference via the gut microbiota 的研究论文。