aGENUSofANAEROBIC, Gram-negativeBACTERIA(seeGRAM'S STAIN), found in man and other animals. SomeSPECIESareOPPORTUNISTIC PATHOGENS.INFECTIONSdue toBacteroidesare often a cause of peritonitis. Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005 ...
and cell walllipopolysaccharidewith reduced toxicity also contribute to virulence. Other serious human diseases caused these organisms includehead and neck infectionsbyBacteroides ureolyticus, intra-abdominal infections byBacteroides thetaiotaomicron, and gynecologic, soft tissue, skin, and pleuropulmonary infecti...
Bacteroides fragilisis a part of the colonic microbiota, andBacteroides thetaiotaomicronis more abundant thanB. fragilisin the microbiota but has been less frequently identified as a pathogen.Humans acquireBacteroides fragilislikely at birth.In the early months of life, the bacterial flora changes consid...
group. A notable feature of the genomes of such numerically major species asBacteroides thetaiotaomicronis the presence of numerous glycosidases and polysaccharidases, a finding consistent with the well-known ability of manyBacteroidesspecies to use oligo- and polysaccharides as sources of carbon and ...