mayundergotransformationtothenextstagesintheir 1ife cycle (Azambuja et a1.2005).B acteria found in th e guts of h em ato ph ag ous art hrop ods m ay have an imp ort ant ro le in th e ep idem iolo gy of hum an or animal infectious d iseases. Such b acteria may interfere...
histology or electron microscopy (EM) images19,20,36. Artificial labelling is particularly beneficial for bright field-to-fluorescence transformation in live-cell application. As it does not require fluorophore excitation, it is even less phototoxic...
For bioluminescence assays transgenic wt and eds4 lines were obtained by transformation with bioluminescent reporter constructs carrying the firefly luciferase (LUC) gene under the control of core clock genes CCA1 and TOC1 promoters (pCCA1::LUC and pTOC1::LUC respectively) using the floral dip met...
Streptococcus pneumoniae becomes competent for genetic transformation when exposed to an autoinducer peptide known as competence-stimulating peptide (CSP). This peptide was originally described as a quorum-sensing signal, enabling individual cells to regulate competence in response to population density. Howe...
Bacteria can switch between planktonic forms (single cells) and biofilms, i.e., bacterial communities growing on solid surfaces and embedded in a matrix of
Transformation of tetracycline by TetX and its subsequent degradation in a heterologous host. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 2015, 91. [CrossRef] 96. Volkers, G.; Palm, G.J.; Weiss, M.S.; Wright, G.D.; Hinrichs, W. Structural basis for a new tetracycline resistance mechanism relying on the ...