A major objective of synthetic glycobiology is to re-engineer existing cellular glycosylation pathways from the top down or construct non-natural ones from the bottom up for new and useful purposes. Here, we have developed a set of orthogonal pathways for eukaryotic O-linked protein glycosylation ...
Metabolism-linked reagents for reduction of p-iodonitrotetrazolium(INT) were optimized and reaction conditions for detecting viable bacteria on the surface of a filter were defined. The test detected 10 to the 4th power - 10 to the 5th power viable bacteria within 30 minutes. The feasibility of...
Bacteria-based tumor therapy has recently attracted wide attentions due to its unique capability in targeting tumors and preferentially colonizing the core area of the tumor. Various therapeutic genes are also harbored into these engineering bacteria to
Genomic DNA of single bacterial strains was isolated using the Genomic DNA Purification Kit (Promega) using the protocol for gram positive bacteria. Libraries were prepared using the Nextera DNA Flex Kit (Illumina). Sequencing was performed on an Illumina NextSeq 1500 with a read length of 2*150...
[38]. Differential analysis of the count data was performed using R and the DESeq2 software package [39,40]. For differential gene estimation log-fold change shrinkage was performed before testing differences with a Wald-p-test (betaPrior = TRUE), all genes where the adjustedp-value ...
The significant influence of the genotype on the microbiome composition in barley seeds was supported by PERMANOVA (R2 = 0.39;p ≤ 0.001; Table1). Testing every genotype in a single analysis against each other disclosed a clearer pattern (Table1). BCC1415 which showed a separate clust...
"In certain ranges our lights can outperform non-smart commercial competitors, with overnight disinfectant kill rates of up to 99.99% for certain bacteria," McLauchlan says. What kinds of bacteria? That's a good question, and currently the subject of lab-based efficacy testing conducted ...
RNA standard isolation kit (NucleoSpin RNA plant, Germany) was used to isolate RNA from soil-grown spinach leaves contaminated with heavy metals. The cDNA synthesis kit (Thermo scientific RevertAid First strand) was used to synthesized cDNA using oligo (dT) primers. The stomatal and thylakoid as...
The interactions of microorganisms among themselves and with their multicellular host take place at the microscale, forming complex networks and spatial patterns. Existing technology does not allow the simultaneous investigation of spatial interactions b
Importantly, SYNB1891 maintains full functionality after the incorporation of all these critical design elements which makes it safe, scalable for manufacturing and suitable for testing in humans from a regulatory perspective. Results E. coli Nissle as an oncology therapeutic vector In agreement with ...