厌氧和兼性厌氧微生物培养瓶 BacT/ALERT FN Plus,培养瓶含有复合培养基和聚合物吸附珠。培养基包括以下反应组分:蛋白胨/生物提取物混合物,抗凝剂,维生素和氨基酸,碳源,微量元素和溶于纯化水中的其他复合氨基酸及碳水化合物基质。培养瓶中包含混有N2和CO2的真空环境。(
厌氧和兼性厌氧微生物培养瓶BacT/ALERT FN Plus 管理类别 第二类 型号规格 100瓶/箱 结构及组成 培养瓶含有复合培养基和聚合物吸附珠。培养基包括以下反应组分:蛋白胨/生物提取物混合物,抗凝剂,维生素和氨基酸,碳源,微量元素和溶于纯化水中的其他复合氨基酸及碳水化合物基质。培养瓶中包含混有N2和CO2的真空环境。
grew aster in FA Plus. In addition, the rate o positivity was not a ected by prior antibiotic therapy in BacT/Alert 3D resin media. Key Words: Sepsis, Blood culture, Resin, Time to detection 변정현 외: Blood Cultures Using BacT/Alert 3D FA Plus and FN Plus http://dx.doi/...
摘要 目的探索新型BacT/Alert FA/FN Plus 聚合物吸附珠血培养瓶对菌血症的检验分析性能。方法选择菌血症患者常见9种病原体和常用9种抗菌药物,将预制的菌液、抗菌药物和血液注入血培养瓶,采集5d内各培养瓶报阳率和...展开更多 Objective To explore the detection ability of BacT/Alert FA/FN Plus polymer ...
Almuhayawi M, Altun O, Abdulmajeed AD, Ullberg M, Ozenci V. The Performance of the Four Anaerobic Blood Culture Bottles BacT/ALERT FN, -FN Plus, BACTEC-Plus and -Lytic in Detection of Anaerobic Bacteria and Identification by Direct MALDI-TOF MS. PLoS ONE. 2015; 10(11): e0142398....
梅里埃API BacT/ALERT中和抗生素厌氧培养瓶 产品货号:259793 规格:100瓶/盒 BacT/ALERT FN (Plastic), 100 bottles 公司简介 北京智杰方远科技有限公司成立于2011年,是一家进口胎牛血清专业供应商,专注细胞生物学试剂开发、销售、服务的高新技术企业。主要代理产品如下: 1.进口胎牛血清:美国GIBCO、德国PAN-biotech、...
Methods & Materials: This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of the new BacT/Alert blood culture media (FAplus (aerobic), FNplus (anaerobic), and PFplus (pediatric)) using a conventional protocol as well as a standardized protocol to perform matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisatio...
A total of 1377 BACT/ALERT (BTA) Fastidious Antimicrobial Neutralization (FAN PLUS) bottles (FA PLUS, FN PLUS, and PF PLUS) were tested after delayed entry times of 24 and 36h at 20–25°C (room temperature, RT) prior to loading into the BACT/ALERT VIRTUO microbial detection system (...
摘要: Evaluation of the novel FAplus, FNplus, and PFplus Blood Culture Bottles (BacT/Alert) – Performance with conventional and MALDI-TOF protocols - International Journal of Infectious DiseasesDOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2014.03.1171 年份: 2014 ...