Top Bar Bee Hives made from sustainable wood, Beekeeping Supplies, Cathedral Hive, information for Beginner Beekeeper, Natural Beekeeping Classes, gifts & more
Nobody told me about pheromones and bee defenses, but I decided to harvest honey anyway. I peeled off a shallow super covered with bees and figured that as I got a distance from the hives that the bees would leave me alone. The end result was a house full of angry bees, tons of ...
This approach should also allow the backyard beekeeper to produce replacement queens to keep young, productive queens in the apiary without having to hunt for and purchase replacement queens. It is not intended as an approach to growing an apiary. It tries to keep the number hives and bees con...
Bee hives? Not in your backyard ; South Berwick is the latest Maine community asked to come up with a beekeeping ordinance.JOSIE HUANG By JOSIE HUANG Staff Writer
The only component the Donnallys don’t have are bee hives. The neighbors weren’t completely comfortable with the idea, Mary says, and she wanted to respect their wishes. “We do want to be considerate. And what we don’t want to do is get anybody angry, because that’s not the poi...
With the challenges of keeping bees alive and healthy, it is our goal to maintain a relatively smaller number of hives and put more effort in proficiency. Contact Contact Us Vorisek's Backyard Bee Farm,llc is committed to offering the highest quality, local honey and hive products to our nei...
Well, Sunday was a very brisk 44 and prospects for the high at 3:00 was only 55 or so. I waited until 1:30 in the afternoon and drove up to the berry farm. The process went very smooth. I put the first package into one of the topbar hives. I decided to not shake out the b...
There are so many fantastic benefits of making your outdoor living space more bee-friendly. Check out these ideas to start your own backyard beekeeping!
Keep your bee colony alive! Having Save-the-B care for your colony allows you to have all the benefits of owning a hive, without the responsibility or the know-how of keeping your bees alive. You have access to our skilled beekeepers both in person and via email to answer any questions...
Thursday, April 19th, I made a quick run to feed the new bees in my bee yards- Apiaries. Feels a bit odd to say Apiaries, but I guess with 17 hives spread out in a couple of areas I really do have several Apiaries! I installed a 3 pound package of bees into one of the top...