Finally, the determination of the relationship between gross calorific value, ultimate and chemical analysis by multiple regression stepwise backward. Access through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through your organization ...
Cox regression analysis (backwards stepwise model) summarizing significant independent prognostic factors for CF in PCa patients (n = 535), significant p-values in bold (threshold p ≤ 0.05).Thea, GrindstadSigve, Andersen...
Proximate analysis, backwards stepwise regression between gross calorific value, ultimate and chemical analysis of wood. Bioresource Technol. 101:3808-3815.Telmo C, Lousada J, Moreira N. Proximate analysis, backwards stepwise regres- sion between gross calorific value, ultimate and chemical analysis of...
Univariate and multivariate stepwise backwards linear regression analyses.Sisse, B. Ditlev