The Chrome Sync function allows you to back up your Chrome settings to Google servers to restore them on any other computer. However, this comes with a risk - if something happens to your Google account, you could lose all of your settings. This passage will show you how to back up ...
With this tool, users can back up specific folders to a local drive or network drive. Here are the steps of how to use File History.Step 1. Right-click the Windows icon, choose Settings > Update & Security > Backup.Step 2. Under Back up using Windows File History. Click More Options...
Step 2: Connect your iPhone using its lightning cord and an external hard drive using its own connecting cable. After you connect your iPhone to your computer, you will receive a prompt on your PC stating – Trust this computer. Well, click on this button so that a connection is authorized...
Regular backups to iCloud or your computer ensure that your photos, apps, contacts, settings, and other important information can be easily restored. 2. How long does it take to restore from an iCloud backup? The time it takes to restore your iPhone from an iCloud backup depends on ...
This functionality relies on theBackup and Syncplugin, which is bundled and enabled in IntelliJ IDEA by default. If the relevant features are not available, make sure that you did not disable the plugin. PressCtrlAlt0Sto open settings and then selectPlugins. ...
Step 2. File History will automatically select the external drive connected to your computer as the backup destination. Click Turn on to enable File History. Step 3. If there are some folders by default settings you don’t want to back up, click Exclude folders to add the folders you don...
I had iTunes setup for years, so that when I plugged my iPhone into my Windows computer with iTunes running, it would be setup to "Automatically Back Up" to "This Computer." With "Automatically sync when this iPhone is connected" checked, the backup would start as soon as I plugged ...
Configure diagnostics settings for a Recovery Services vault by going to the vault and selecting Diagnostics settings. Select + Add Diagnostic Setting for the metrics you want to collect. Under Destination details, select the destinations that you want to stream them to. This includes Log Analytics...
As mentioned earlier, only one copy of your current device’s backup is saved and constantly overwritten. But there may be old backups from other devices on iCloud that you no longer need, using your storage. To see if this is the case, go to the iCloud Backup settings, and if you ...
1. Download this free tool and run it on your computer. ClickBackupand select one type of backup based on what you want to include in the backup. Here,System Backupit is. 2. System Backup will automatically include the needed backup source forsystem restore. You just need to click the ...