在企业管理器中执行脚本 CREATEDATABASE[BackupLogview]ONPRIMARY( NAME=N'BackupLogview', FILENAME=N'C:\DATA\BackupLogview.mdf', SIZE=3072KB , MAXSIZE=UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH=1024KB )LOGON( NAME=N'BackupLogview_log', FILENAME=N'C:\DATA\BackupLogview_log.ldf', SIZE=1024KB , MAXSIZE=2048G...
使用BACKUP LOG语句备份事务日志。 使用RESTORE LOG从事务日志备份中恢复数据库。
ScriptDom Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom AbortAfterWaitType AcceleratedDatabaseRecoveryDatabaseOption AddAlterFullTextIndexAction AddFileSpec AddMemberAlterRoleAction AddSearchPropertyListAction AddSensitivityClassificationStatement AddSignatureStatement AdHocDataSource AdHocTableReferen...
一般的做法是 full back -> log backup (通常需要 2 次, 才可以 shrink, 不知道原因) 然后 shrink log file. refer : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56628/how-do-you-clear-the-sql-server-transaction-log https://www.sqlshack.com/sql-server-transaction-log-backup-truncate-and-shrink-operation...
“LOG_BACKUP”提示意味着需要对数据库事务日志进行备份,以便将日志中的已提交事务清除并释放日志空间。 可以通过以下步骤来备份数据库事务日志: 打开SQL Server Management Studio,连接到目标SQL Server实例。 在对象资源管理器中选择需要备份的数据库,右键单击并选择“任务”->“备份”。
Backs up a complete SQL Server database to create a database backup, or one or more files or filegroups of the database to create a file backup (BACKUP DATABASE). Also, under the full recovery model or bulk-logged recovery model, backs up the transaction log of the database to create...
Learn Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom BackupTransactionLogStatement Class Add Print Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Email BackupTransactionLogStatement PropertiesArticle 02/01/2013 In this article Properties See Also Include Protected Members Include Inherited MembersThe BackupTransactionLogStatement type ...
SQL Server AgentSQL Server Agent 必須執行,SQL Server 受控備份至 Microsoft Azure 才能運作。 請考慮將自動啟動選項設定為自動化。 可讀取的 AG 次要複本如果您要將受控備份卸載至 Always On 可用性群組的次要複本,次要複本必須設定為[可讀取],受控備份才能成功。
SQL Server 會備份完整 SQL Server 資料庫以建立資料庫備份,或備份資料庫的一或多個檔案或檔案群組以建立檔案備份 (BACKUP DATABASE)。 同時,可在完整復原模式或大量記錄復原模式下備份資料庫的交易記錄,以建立記錄備份 (BACKUP LOG)。 語法 syntaxsql 複製 --Back up a whole database BACKUP DATABASE { data...
For more information, see SQL Server, Backup Device Object. Use the estimate_backup_restore script to get an estimate of backup times. Refer to How It Works: What is Restore/Backup Doing?. This blog post provides insight into the current stage of backup or restore operations....