Kids Definition backup 1 of 2noun back·upˈbak-ˌəp 1 :a person or thing that takes the place of or supports another has abackupin case he gets sick 2 :a gathering or piling up because the flow has been stopped a trafficbackup ...
a sewage backup; a backup of cars at the tollbooth. a person, plan, device, etc., kept in reserve to serve as a substitute, if needed. Computers. a copy or duplicate version, especially of a file, program, or entire computer system, retained for use in the event that the original is...
Define backup. backup synonyms, backup pronunciation, backup translation, English dictionary definition of backup. one who supports or reinforces another: I’m his backup; a copy or duplicate version of a file, program, or computer system: I made a backu
public static interface Backup.Definition extends Blank, WithParentResource, WithVolumeResourceId, WithCreate The entirety of the Backup definition. Applies to Azure SDK for Java Preview在GitHub 上與我們協作 可以在 GitHub 上找到此内容的源,还可以在其中创建和查看问题和拉取请求。 有关详细信息,请参阅...
Although the terms full backup and disk mirroring might suggest that they are accomplishing the same thing, the processes and results might be very different. As noted, a full backup comprises a copy of data that must be protected, but it usually does not include operating systems, related fil...
What is a differential backup? A differential backup is adata backupthat copies all the files that have changed since the last full backup was performed. Differential backups copy any data that has been created, updated or altered in any way but don't copy all the data in a file every ti...
A backup client is the source computer or node within a backup process that contains the data to be backed up on a destination storage server/location. A backup client is generally the end user’s computer or server in a network enabled backup environment. Advertisements Backup client can ...
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An abstract definition of backup storage media for storing backup data. The storage unit is connected to the actual storage media used to back up data. Streaming media Streaming media is media continuously streamed over the network. Combining technologies concerning streaming media data collection, ...
What is a cold backup (offline backup)? A cold backup is a backup of an offline database. It is also known as an offline backup. Cold backups are one of the safest ways to back up because they avoid the risk of copying data that might be in the process of being updated. A cold...