functiont =BLS(f,d,x,r,c)%Backtracking line search%Input :% f: MATLABfilethat returnsfunctionvalue%d: The search direction%x: current x% r : backtrack step between (0,1) usually1/2% c: (0,1) usually10^{-4}%Output :%t: adaptive step length[fc, gc]=feval(f,x); xc=x; x= ...
1. Re:Line Search and Quasi-Newton Methods 请问是哪本教材里的? --caogenwang 2. Re:Locally Weighted Regression 谢谢! --chaosink 3. Re:Matlab绘图高级部分 如何在直方图画不同图案? --lindexi 4. Re:Clustering by density peaks and distance 楼主你好。最近关注了下该分类方法,发现读入大块头数据以后...
To solve the problem of slow convergence seen in the traditional fine alignment algorithm based on linear Kalman filtering, a forward–forward backtracking fine alignment algorithm for SINS is proposed after reanalyzing the fine alignment model in this p