“backtrace stopped: cannot access memory at address” 是一个调试信息,通常出现在使用像 GDB 这样的调试器时。这条信息表明调试器在尝试访问某个内存地址以获取调用栈(backtrace)信息时失败了,因为该内存地址无法被访问(可能是因为它不属于当前进程的地址空间,或者因为某些内存保护机制阻止了访问)。 2. 分析可能导...
src=0x500 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x500>, src_stride=16, h=-470737349, mx=-421999632, my=726255800) at src/libavcodec/vp9dsp_template.c:2255 #4 0x000002142b49c938 in ?? () Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?) Thread 31 (Thread...
EDIT:This explains why rust tests were taking ages to complete... (half a day at least, but I stopped them) EDIT2:Also realized that the value likely means nothing, and just the fact that the var is set is considered enabled. ghostchanged the titlerustc hangs for 20-45 seconds on er...