LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OMS/cmtt/m/n' undefined (Font) using `OMS/cmsy/m/n' instead for symbol `textbackslash' on input line 8. While this still allows for document compilation, it looks like the \textbackslash somehow avoids being formatted according to the basicstyle option. ...
According to the tokenization rules, \* is a control symbol and it is defined in plain TeX and LaTeX to produce a “discretionary multiplication symbol”: if it is used for hyphenation, it will produce a thin space followed by character 2 in \textfont2, usually ✕, at the...
metasymbol, except under the "/s" flag, which changes the meaning of ".", but not "\N". Note that "\N{...}" can mean a named or numbered character. Mnemonic: Complement of \n. \R "\R" matches a generic newline, that is, anything that is considered a newline by Unicode. ...