Level 5.2 - "废弃旅馆" "The Abandoned hotel" Level 5.5 - "怪异的维多利亚公馆" "Eerie Victorian Mansion" Level 5.98 - "卫生间" "The Restrooms"Level 6 ‣ "熄灯之时" "Lights Out"Level 6.01 - "熄灯结束" "Lights On" Level 6.05 - "搅拌机房间" "The Blenderroom" Level 6.1 - "欢乐酒吧...
Relive your favorite levels, including The Main 9, Level Run for your life, Level 188, The Terror Hotel, Level Fun, The Snackrooms, The Poolrooms, The Sh4dy Gr3y, Kitty's House, The End, and many many more. Unearth the secrets of the backrooms by exploring over 100 immersive levels...