From PCGamingWiki, the wiki about fixing PC games This page is a stub: it lacks content and/or basic article components. You can help to expand this page by adding an image or additional information. Escape the Backrooms Developers Fancy Games Release dates Windows Early access Taxonomy ...
Under no circumstances should you attempt a noclip to escape this level. ‡ Licensing / Citation Help|Terms of Service|Privacy|Report a bug|Flag as objectionable Powered Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed underCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Lic...
各楼层进出方式总结最近在很多介绍视频里看到有人问某某层怎么进,觉得backrooms在楼层移动设定这一块确实太复杂,不利于萌新入坑,所以特地做一帖总结一下各楼层进出方式 分享1838 后室游戏吧 真山亚茶花 Backrooms : EscapeTogether有人一起玩吗 分享回复3 backrooms后室吧 火箭大爆发 我的Level0地图已经做成游戏了自制...
Burning the doll from the hut will cause a wanderer to transport to Level 888 as they attempt to escape into the woods. Submerging the doll in water will cause a wanderer to be pulled into the water by an unknown means of force. These wanderers then no-clip and find themselves in level...
Using entryways to their insides can be an effective way to escape entities, however, as they generally avoid these pipeline networks in fear of an uncertain detail. Alternative to using acids as the means to digest their food, they secrete a base referred to as the DuPont–Bayer solution....
He claims that he managed to escape by cleaning dust off a broken mirror in the upstairs, full bathroom. He then noclipped back to Level 0. Wanderer B.B. was trapped in Level -319 for 2 hours. He aged 24 years, making him 38 years old when escaping Level -319. Below is a table...
This phenomenon occurs when the level violently shakes at undetermined intervals, forcing a significant amount of the stored Negative Matter to escape and move to other Negative Levels. Once a clump of Negative Matter finds and enters an accessible portion of the void, it will usually begin to ...
本帖有大量主观意见,欢迎指正 分享910 后室游戏吧 真山亚茶花 Backrooms : EscapeTogether有人一起玩吗 分享回复3 backrooms后室吧 ChAkr_A 自制实体-空洞之家随意胡写的,可能会有雷同,欢迎指正,添加配图! 实体(编号还没想好)空洞之家 Level720.6中唯一的实体,严格来说,"空洞之家"不仅仅是实体,还是一个不易...
等级0的区域很少有突然的变化或危险存在,所以它是理智的生存选择 分享回复5 后室游戏吧 真山亚茶花 Backrooms : EscapeTogether有人一起玩吗 分享34 backrooms后室吧 Yharim 【新人向】对于Backrooms的简介一楼防吞 744136 backrooms后室吧 涟沁汐 backroom推荐请问几款backroom有优先推荐入手的吗 分享2赞 后室吧 ...
Backrooms : EscapeTogether有人一起玩吗 分享回复3 backrooms后室吧 折翼之蝶舞清风 求助为什么F版后室官网链接点进去之后加载不出来 分享32 backrooms后室吧 波能之刃 一个问题,关于后室的时间设定在撰写原创层级条目时,写到采访者询问受访人:“来到后室多长时间了?”的时候突然意识到,后室似乎没有一个量化...