defforward_propagate(network,row):# 对每个neuron计算输入,然后根据激活函数(这里是sigmoid)来决定该neuron输出,所以这里有activate和transfer两个函数来做这两步inputs=rowforlayerinnetwork:new_inputs=[]forneuroninlayer:activation=activate(neuron['weights'],inputs)neuron['output']=transfer(activation)new_inp...
Backpropagation (反向传播) Backpropagation(反向传播),就是告诉我们用gradient descent来train一个neural network的时候该怎么做,它只是求微分的一种方法,而不是一种新的算法。 Gradient Descent gradient descent的使用方法,跟前面讲到的linear Regression或者是Logisti... ...
public class JavaBackPropagationNeuralNetwork { /** * 神经元 */ public class Neuron { HashMap<Integer, Link> target = new HashMap<Integer, Link>();// 连接其他神经元的 HashMap<Integer, Link> source = new HashMap<Integer, Link>();// 被其他神经元连接的 ...
example : examples ) { forwardPropagate(example.x); std::cout << layers.back()[1] << '\n'; } return 0; } c++ machine-learning neural-networkShare Improve this question Follow edited Jan 27, 2015 at 19:43 asked Jan 27, 2015 at 16:57 justanothercoder 1,85011 gold badge1717...
1#coding:utf-82importrandom3importmath45#6# 参数解释:7#"pd_":偏导的前缀8#"d_":导数的前缀9#"w_ho":隐含层到输出层的权重系数索引10#"w_ih":输入层到隐含层的权重系数的索引1112classNeuralNetwork:13LEARNING_RATE=0.51415def__init__(self,num_inputs,num_hidden,num_outputs,hidden_layer_weights...
With the above formula, the derivative at 0 is 1, but you could equally treat it as 0, or 0.5 with no real impact to neural network performance. Simplified network With those definitions, let's take a look at your example networks. You are running regression with cost function C=12(y...
Here, we use almost the same formula as our simple network example, but instead of just the derivative of the mean squared error, we use the derivative of the mean squared error times the output layer’s weight. Similarly, for the bias, bhbh:...