The CSS background-position property defines the initial position of the background-image for an element.Syntax The syntax for the background-position CSS property is: background-position: horizontal_value [vertical_value]; Parameters or Arguments horizontal_value Defines the horizontal position of th...
{ background-position: center; } CSS background-position Property Background Position with Single Values background-position: left (the second value is default "center") background-position: right (the second value is default "center") background-position: top ...
Thebackground-positionproperty specifies the position of the background. The values can be specified in three ways: keywords, percentage values, and position values. Each is discussed in detail below. Keywords This is often displayed as a two-word combination of the following terms, ...
Property values String format CSS information 顯示其他 4 個 Specifies the position of the background of the object. Syntax 複製 Integer value = object.put_backgroundPosition( v);Integer value = object.get_backgroundPosition(* sPosition); ...
background 属性被指定多个背景层时,使用逗号分隔每个背景层。 每一层的取值规则如下: Constituent propertiesThis property is a shorthand for the following CSS properties: background-attachment ...
The background-position property allows you to determine the initial position of a background image. This property is not inherited. You can use any combination of a percentage or a length. Alternately, you can use one of the keywords [top, center, bottom] and/or one of the keywords [lef...
CSS background-position-y Property CSS background-position-y 属性用于设置背景图像的初始垂直位置,即用于将图像设置在垂直方向的某个位置。位置相对于后面的定位,可以通过CSS background-origin属性设置。 语法: background-position-y: value; 属性值: top:用于将图片设置在顶部位置。 center:用于将图像设置在垂直...
The background-position CSS property sets the initial position for each background image. The position is relative to the position layer set by background-origin.
This property takes two values: the first value represents the horizontal position (left, center, or right), and the second value represents the vertical position (top, center, or bottom). For example, background-position: center top; would center the background image horizontally and align it...
The background-position property in CSS allows you to move a background image (or gradient) around within its container.