背景图片:background-image CSS3中可以通过background-image属性添加背景图片。 不同的背景图像和图像用逗号隔开,所有的图片中显示在最顶端的为第一张。可以使用background-position和background-repeat来控制背景图片的开始和重复。 背景图像大小:background-size CSS3以前,背景图像大小由图像的实际大小决定。 CSS3中可...
background 是以下属性的缩写,background-size属性值只能写在background-position属性值的后面,并且使用斜杠分隔。 背景图片/渐变 background-image 背景图片 /* url 函数里的图片路径无需引号 */ background-image: url(./ecLogo.jpg); 1. 2. 【实战】背景图片自适应全屏 【实战】响应式巨幅背景大标题 背景渐...
CSS属性 - background-image CSS属性 - background-repeat CSS属性 - background-size CSS属性 - background-position CSS Sprite CSS Sprite编写建议 练习 CSS属性 - background
background-image 属性为元素设置背景图像。元素的背景占据了元素的全部尺⼨,包括内边距和边框,但不包括外边距。默认地,背景图像位于元素的左上⾓,并在⽔平和垂直⽅向上重复。background-size 规定背景图像的尺⼨ ⼀般值为:background-size: length|percentage|cover|contain;length: 设置背景图像...
可以使用Stack组件进行实现,示例如下:@Entry @Component struct SafeAreaExample1 { build() {...
The background-image size and position seems to be calculated with the wrong scale. I am adding a background image to a <Button> with the relevant SCSS: button.social-login { // (...) height: 50; background-size: 32 32; background-position: 20 8; background-repeat: no-repeat; &...
div { position: relative; &::after { content: ''; position: absolute; left: -50%; top: -50%; width: 200%; height: 200%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 50% 50%, 50% 50%; background-position: 0 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%; background-image: linear-gra...
background-size: 100%; .divWithBgImage{ width:100%; height:600px; background-image:url("https://cdn.xgqfrms.xyz/logo/icon.png"); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:100%; /* propotional resize */ } 1. ...
Page Background - image size to avoid/minimize Fit distortion 12-28-2017 05:53 PM When creating images for Page Backgrounds in PBI Desktop (sticking to the default Page Size of 16:9), you might assume the required size is 1280 x 720px, as that is what shows wh...