1.opacity属性 2.如果兼容性允许的话使用css3滤镜-webkit-filter(有别于之前的IE滤镜)。看下这个网站的实现办法Opacity in CSS background images
And to make the text stand out, you want to change the opacity of that background image in CSS so that it’s semi-transparent. But you’ve tried, and you can’t change the opacity of the background image without also affecting the text or other child elements! What can you do? Not...
In CSS, modifying the opacity of text closely mirrors the process of adjusting the background opacity of an element. You can easily adjust the transparency of an element's background, text, borders, and other components with that opacity property....
.css-bg-example-2 .demo-wrap{position:relative;}.css-bg-example-2 .demo-wrap:before{content:' ';display:block;position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;opacity:0.6;background-image:url('https://assets.digitalocean.com/labs/images/community_bg.png');background-repeat:no-repea...
看下这个网站的实现办法 Opacity in CSS background images 一些stackoverFlow的答案楼上已经贴出来了有用 回复 已注销: 你好,我是笪兴,「十年后」10years.me的创始人。我刚刚看了你写的一些解答,希望可以聊聊。十年后是一个基于梦想的社交网络,我们想用它让年轻人的社交生活变得更有未来性。我们上个月刚拿...
opacity: 0.4; } .king:before { background-image: radial-gradient(circle, #fff 20%, transparent 20%), radial-gradient(circle, transparent 20%, #fff 20%, transparent 30%), radial-gradient(circle, #fff 20%, transparent 20%), radial-gradient(circle, #fff 20%, transparent 20%), ...
Maybe it SHOULDN'T be possible to do? What's behind the background anyway??? By definition the background is the BACK image - there's litteraly nothing behind it. If it didn't have 100% opacity, there should be something behind it ...
然后我们添加CSS,开始动画 代码语言:javascript 复制 .button-text.animate:before{display:block;animation:topBubbles ease-in-out0.75s forwards;}.button-text.animate:after{display:block;animation:bottomBubbles ease-in-out0.75s forwards;}@keyframes topBubbles{0%{background-position:5%90%,10%90%,10%90...
CSS background-image property is used to add a background image on an element or the webpage. CSS background-image property is used to add a background image on an element or the webpage. For example, body { background-image: url("girl-avatar.png"); } B
{ opacity: 0; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; height: 100%; width: 100%; /* just in case if I want the image to be "parallax" background-attachment: fixed; */ background-position: center; background-color: #6e6d6c; } .carousel-fade .carousel-inner .active ...