The background property sets or returns up to eight separate background properties, in a shorthand form. With this property, you can set/return one or more of the following (in any order): DOM PropertyCSS Property backgroundAttachmentbackground-attachment ...
transitionProperty transitionTimingFunction unicodeBidi verticalAlign visibility whiteSpace widows width wordBreak wordSpacing wordWrap writingMode zIndex zoom IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration2 IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration3 IHTMLCurrentStyle IHTMLCurrentStyle2 IHTMLCurrentStyle3 ...
up to five of the space-delimited Possible Values, in any order.color (transparent)Any of the range of color values available to the IHTMLStyle::backgroundColor property.image (none)Any of the range of image values available to the IHTMLStyle::backgroundImage property....
Xamarin.Mac.dll C# publicvirtualstringBackground { [Foundation.Export("background")]get; [Foundation.Export("setBackground:")]set; } Property Value String Attributes ExportAttribute Applies to 產品版本 Xamarin.Mac SDK14 在此文章 Definition Applies to...
HTML - DOM Style Object backgroundOrigin Property - HTML DOM Style Object backgroundOrigin property sets or returns the relative position of background image with respect to padding, border and content.
The backgroundImage property sets or returns the background image of an element. Tip:In addition to the background-image you should also specify a background-color. The background-color will be used if the image is unavailable. See Also: ...
Step 3:Now, we have to type the element body in the style tag. And, then type thebackground-imageproperty as shown in the following block: <!Doctype Html> <Html> <Head> <Title> Add the Background image using Internal Style sheet ...
Learn how to add a background image in HTML with our comprehensive guide! Step-by-step instructions cover various methods for achieving this effect.
Specifies or returns up to five separate background properties, in a shorthand form. With this property, you can set the background color and / or image of any visible HTML element. Furthermore, you can set how the background image is displayed.
In this snippet, we’ll discuss the differences between the HTML <img> tag and CSS background-image property, which will help you make a better decision.