To fix this issue, we need to put the background image into a child element of the parent. This will ensure that the background image and the text content will be on their own “layer” in the parent. You can then control each layer’s opacity without affecting each other! One approac...
There is no CSS property like "background-opacity" that you can use only for changing the opacity or transparency of an element's background without affecting its child elements. On the other hand if you will try to do this using the CSS opacity property, it will not only change the ...
There is sort of a hack for it where you layout the div with the background underneath another div containing the text. Check out the following link: Also here's a quick working example: http://js...
There is a trick to minimize the markup: Use apseudo elementas the background and you can set the opacity to it without affecting the main element and its children: DEMO Output: Relevant code: p { position: relative; } p:after { content: ''; position: absolute; top: 0; left:...
A common use case is using an image as part of the background. Adjusting the opacity can improve the legibility of text or achieve the desired appearance. However, there is no way to target thebackground-imageof an element withopacitywithout affecting the child elements. ...
However, there’s a caveat with this approach: When I lower the opacity of an element (e.g., a div), I lower the opacity of all its child elements, too. In the example above, I can see how the text inside the transparent div is also transparent. This ...
That way your editors can change the text string and the width of the shape will respond to stayed center. You can always move the y position up or down a little to keep that part centered without affecting the pinning. It;s kind of hard to explain how it all work...
As my case study above suggests, it is possible to remove the background from the canvas and move it to css where it is possible to make it transparent separately, without affecting the canvas' opacity. note: opacity: 0.502 equals the alphachannel value of the color above #1e1e1e80 👍...
Border Opacity CSSIn CSS, adjusting the opacity of a border shares similarities with setting the opacity of text. If the goal is to precisely define the opacity of an element's border without affecting other properties, the CSS shorthand border property, combined with RGBA color values, becomes...
CSS Herois a WordPress plugin that allows you to make any changes to your theme without coding. You can add background images quickly in a few simple steps. But first, you’ll need to install and activate CSS Hero. For more details, please see our guide onhow to install a WordPress pl...