If the imposed restrictions are too severe, however, then the important notions of the application domain can no longer be expressed. Investigating this trade-off between the expressivity of DLs and the complexity of their inference problems has been one of the most important issues of DL ...
# Replace `Your Name Here` with the name (yours or your organization's) you want to see as the @@ -16,80 +18,54 @@ set(MACOS_BUNDLEID "com.royshilkrot.obs-backgroundremoval") # Replace `me@contoso.com` with the maintainer email address you want to put in Linux packages set...
1.2. Organization of This Paper The rest of this paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, previous related works are reviewed, including previous BS datasets and evaluation papers. In Section 3, an overview of the BS algorithm and new mechanisms of BS are presented. Section 4 introduces ...
The continued experimental study is based on previous findings and the presupposed cross-cultural universality of shape and size as a graphic variable. The results bring a new perspective on the usage of shape, size and presence/absence of background as graphic variables, as well as a ...