From the examples above you have learned that background images can be styled by using the CSS background properties. To learn more about CSS background properties, study ourCSS Background Tutorial. Track your progress - it's free! Log inSign Up...
To insert an image in HTML, use the image tag and include a source and alt attribute. Like any other HTML element, you’ll add images to the body section of your HTML file. The syntax looks like this:<img src=“URL” alt=“descriptive text”> The HTML image ...
How to Insert an Image in HTML To insert an image in HTML, use the image tag and include a source and alt attribute. Like any other HTML element, you’ll add images to the body section of your HTML file. The syntax looks like this: <img src=“URL” al...
Adding images to the background of a website is often essential to achieve good and outstanding web designs. By using pure HTML and CSS you can control how a background image of your website is displayed. Lets learn how to handle background images step b
Implementing image sprites in CSS CSS imagesmodule Background-related properties background-attachment background-clip background-color background-origin background-position background-repeat background-size backgroundshorthand Learn: Backgrounds and borders ...
radial-gradient() conic-gradient() repeating-linear-gradient() repeating-radial-gradient() repeating-conic-gradient() <url> Using CSS gradients Implementing image sprites in CSS CSS imagesmodule Background-related properties background-attachment ...
Starting in Windows Internet Explorer 9, the background of a box can have multiple layers. The number of layers is determined by the number of comma-separated values in theIHTMLStyle::backgroundImageproperty. Each of the images is sized, positioned, and tiled according to the correspon...
Set background images with an image asset You can use an imported or built-in image asset to set a background image. When you set the background image, you must select a supported background image type: TexturesAn image used when rendering a GameObject, Sprite, or UI element. Textures ar...
background:bg-color bg-imageposition/bg-sizebg-repeat bg-origin bg-clip bg-attachmentinitial|inherit; Note:If one of the properties in the shorthand declaration is the bg-size property, you must usea / (slash) to separate it from the bg-position property, e.g. background:url(smiley.gif...
or background-size: contain; By using the cover value we’re resizing the background image size so that it covers the complete space. If the image is too big and has a larger ratio to the tag it is in, this means the image will get cropped at its edges. ...