background-image: var(<custom-property>); bg-none background-image: none; bg-linear-to-t background-image: linear-gradient(to top, var(--tw-gradient-stops)); bg-linear-to-tr background-image: linear-gradient(to top right, var(--tw-gradient-stops)); ...
background-image: var(<custom-property>); bg-none background-image: none; bg-linear-to-t background-image: linear-gradient(to top, var(--tw-gradient-stops)); bg-linear-to-tr background-image: linear-gradient(to top right, var(--tw-gradient-stops)); ...
文档 “默认情况下,仅为背景图像实用程序生成响应变体。”这意味着,无需对变体进行任何进一步的配置,我应该能够将其用于此目的。 这是我的 tailwind.conf.js 的样子(重要部分在最后): const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin') module.exports = { purge: [...
Withgatsby-background-image(-es5)@v0.8.8it’s now possible to use Tailwind CSS classes likemd:w-1/2to styleBackgroundImage. Therefore aspecialCharsplugin option has been introduced to be able to properly escape such classes, which defaults to:/but may be set to other characters ingatsby-...
Withgatsby-background-image(-es5)@v0.8.8it's now possible to use Tailwind CSS classes likemd:w-1/2to styleBackgroundImage. Therefore aspecialCharsplugin option has been introduced to be able to properly escape such classes, which defaults to:/but may be set to other characters ingatsby-co...
所以通常 Tailwind, Bootstrap 它们的 base.css 都会给图片设定一个 max-width:100% width: 100% 配上 height : auto, 图片会按原图的比例缩小(或放大). width, height: 100% 有些情况下, 希望图片完全覆盖框. 也就是说比例会被改变. img{width:100%;height:100%; ...
With gatsby-background-image(-es5) @ v0.8.8 it’s now possible to use Tailwind CSS classes like md:w-1/2 to style BackgroundImage. Therefore a specialChars plugin option has been introduced to be able to properly escape such classes, which defaults to :/ but may be set to other ...
Checked Tailwind CSS Output: Verified that the .bg-hero class is correctly defined in the output CSS file generated by Tailwind. Tested CSS Classes: Removed lg:bg-cover to see if it affects the background image. Applied bg-cover directly to see if it resolves the issue on all screen sizes...
css background tailwind tailwindcss Updated Sep 26, 2024 TypeScript dvlden / vidage Star 1.6k Code Issues Pull requests Your solution to full-screen background video & image combined. video background-video background hacktoberfest Updated Oct 6, 2022 JavaScript shalldie / vscode-back...
Withgatsby-background-image(-es5)@v0.8.8it’s now possible to use Tailwind CSS classes likemd:w-1/2to styleBackgroundImage. Therefore aspecialCharsplugin option has been introduced to be able to properly escape such classes, which defaults to:/but may be set to other characters ingatsby-...