The background-position property in CSS allows you to position the background image. By default, the image is placed at the top-left corner of the element.
CSS-背景大小 | background-size CSS属性指定一个元素的背景图像的大小。图像可以保留其自然大小,拉伸到一个新的大小,或约束,以适应可用空间,同时保持其固有的比例。 /* Keyword values */background-size:cover;background-size:contain;/* One-value syntax *//* the width of the image (height becomes 'a...
But I can see the image before scaling. Is there a possibility to load the image in background and when finished displaying? maybe smooth fading? I used jquery.html. Thanks! Loading... Keane Permalink to comment# November 24, 2010 Thank you! CSS #2 worked like a charm – check it ...
CSS .tiledBackground { background-image: url(; background-size: 150px; width: 300px; height: 300px; border: 2px solid; color: pink; } 结果 拉伸图像 您还可以指定图像的水平和垂直尺寸,如下所示: background-size: 300px 150px;...
Auto-scaling the height of CSS background image to maintain proportionate fit with width Question: I have body { background: url(images/background.svg); } The aim is for background image to match the width of the page, while the height adjusts to maintain proportion. For instance, if ...
background-sizeCSS属性指定一个元素的背景图像的大小。图像可以保留其自然大小,拉伸到一个新的大小,或约束,以适应可用空间,同时保持其固有的比例。 代码语言:javascript 复制 /* Keyword values */background-size:cover;background-size:contain;/* One-value syntax *//* the width of the image (height becom...
The background-size CSS property sets the size of the element's background image. The image can be left to its natural size, stretched, or constrained to fit the available space.
css('background-image'), image; // Remove url() or in case of Chrome url("") image_url = image_url.match(/^url\("?(.+?)"?\)$/); if (image_url[1]) { image_url = image_url[1]; image = new Image(); // just in case it is not already loaded $(image).load(function...
The background-size CSS property sets the size of the element's background image. The image can be left to its natural size, stretched, or constrained to fit the available space.
The background-size property in CSS is one of the most useful — and most complex — of the background properties. There are many variations and different