Opera 10+ (Opera 9.5 支持background-size属性 但是不支持cover) Firefox 3.6+ 这里你会发现ie8及以下版本不支持,这些蛋疼浏览器则需要添加下面的css来设置兼容 filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='.bg.jpg', sizingMethod='scale'); -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft...
This whole idea becomes a lot easier (from a CSS perspective) if we know if the aspect ratio of the image (inline we intend to use as a background) is larger or smaller than the current aspect ratio of the browser window. If it is lower, than we can set only the width to 100% ...
cover:图片宽高比不变、铺满整个容器的宽高,而图片多出的部分则会被截掉; contain:图片自身的宽高比不变,缩放至图片自身能完全显示出来,所以容器会有留白区域; 其实,从英文的意思来说:cover意味着“遮罩、遮盖”---此处理解为“塞满”较恰当,contain意为“包含”--也就是:我图片虽然缩放了,但是整个图是被“包...
Also, I’m not sure you even need that img, you can use a background-image with cover on your div.background-div. Cover works because you’ve solved the problem of the size of the container being the display viewport not the size of the whole page including off-screen content. ...
这要看到你完整的css代码才知道问题所在,因为background-size:cover;在Chrome也是完全支持的,可能是其他代码造成的错误。或者也可以按下面这样来做:background: url(图片url) no-repeat center / cover
background-size中,100%和cover都是用于将图片扩大或者缩放来适应整个容器 (1)background-size:100% 100%;---按容器比例撑满,图片变形; (2)background-size:cover;---把背景图片放大到适合元素容器的尺寸,图片比例不变,但是要注意,超出容器的部分可能会裁掉。
backgroundSize cover :等比缩放, 显示不完整,超出部分会被裁剪; backgroundSize contain:等比缩放, 但不会填充整个区域;可能会留有空白; 背景图片未设置 background-size: 100% auto效果 background-size:100% 100% 效果 backgroundSize cover 效果
We’ll explore different techniques for setting a full-page background using CSS, including using the background-image property, the image-set() function, and advanced techniques such as using multiple background images and adjusting the background-repeat, background-position, and background-size ...
如果图像是装饰性的,那么我们可以使用background-image。 .hero { position: relative; background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #a34242, rgba(0,0,0,0), url("thumb.jpg"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; } 在这种情况下,CSS 更短。