现在开始创建Background Fetch功能,首先从Project开始,接着是Capabilities,然后Put Background Modes ON,再选择Background Fetch,如下图所示: 但仅仅做这个是不够的。默认地,app不会调用后台API,所以你需要在AppDelegate.m文件中把以下代码添加至-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOption...
现在开始创建Background Fetch功能,首先从Project开始,接着是Capabilities,然后Put Background Modes ON,再选择Background Fetch,如下图所示: 但仅仅做这个是不够的。默认地,app不会调用后台API,所以你需要在AppDelegate.m文件中把以下代码添加至-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFin...
第一个API是后台获取(Background Fetch),允许你在定期间隔内从网络获取新内容。第二个API是远程通知 (Remote Notification),它是一个新特性,它在当新事件发生时利用推送通知(Push Notifications)去告知程序。这两个新的机制,帮助你保持程序界面最新,还可以在新的后台传输服务(Background Transfer Service)中安排任务,...
配置插件的fetch callbackFn ***Returns:** Promise<any> start() 启动background-fetch API。 每次发生后台获取事件时,#configure提供的CallbackFn将被执行。 注意#configure方法自动调用start。 配置插件后,您不必调用此方法 ***Returns:** Promise<any> stop() 停止后台获取API从触发获取事件。 您提供给#confi...
e-lobjc--(void)[[BGTaskScheduler sharedScheduler]_simulateExpirationForTaskWithIdentifier:@"com.transistorsoft.fetch"] OldBackgroundFetchAPI Simulate background fetch events in XCode usingDebug->Simulate Background Fetch iOS can take some hours or even days to start a consistently scheduling backgro...
API Design Starting a background fetch const registration = await navigator.serviceWorker.ready; const bgFetchReg = await registration.backgroundFetch.fetch(id, requests, options); id - a unique identifier for this background fetch. requests - a sequence of URLs or Request objects. options - an...
首先在选中项目,在Capabilities(功能)选项卡,启用Background Modes(后台模式)中的Background Fetch(后台获取) 3,后台获取时间间隔设置 (1)开启后台获取功能后,还需要在代码中使用setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval()方法设置最短唤醒程序的时间间隔(秒)。但具体什么时候程序会被唤醒获取数据,就不可控了。这个由系统自己...
BackgroundFetchRegistration API Global usage 76.17% + 0% = 76.17% IE ❌ 6 - 10: Not supported ❌ 11: Not supported Edge ❌ 12 - 18: Not supported ✅ 79 - 130: Supported ✅ 131: Supported Firefox ❌ 2 - 132: Not supported ❌ 133: Not supported ❌ 134 - 136: Not ...
BackgroundFetchRecord API: responseReady Global usage 76.17% + 0% = 76.17% IE ❌ 6 - 10: Not supported ❌ 11: Not supported Edge ❌ 12 - 18: Not supported ✅ 79 - 130: Supported ✅ 131: Supported Firefox ❌ 2 - 132: Not supported ❌ 133: Not supported ❌ 134 - ...
stop[taskId:String]Promise<boolean>Stop the background-fetch API and all#scheduleTaskfrom firing events. YourcallbackFnprovided to#configurewill no longer be executed. If you provide an optionaltaskId, only that#scheduleTaskwill be stopped. ...