$(document).ready(function() {SetBackgroundColors(); });functionSetBackgroundColors() { $('.bg-gradient').css('background','linear-gradient(-45deg,'+GetRandomColor() +','+GetRandomColor() +','+GetRandomColor() +','+GetRandomColor() +')'); }functionGetRandomColor() {varletters...
{syntax:'<angle>';inherits:false;initial-value:0deg;}.card{/* due to --direc is not a css property, animation cannot be applied to it */--direc:0deg;background-image:linear-gradient(var(--direc),#5ddcff,#3c67e3,#4300c2);animation:rotate 3s linear infinite;}@keyframesrotate{to{-...
与上面的方法类似,只是这次background-position辅助background-size,CSS 代码如下: div { background: linear-gradient(90deg, #ffc700 0%, #e91e1e 33%, #6f27b0 66%, #00ff88 100%); background-position: 100% 0; animation: bgSize 5s infinite ease-in-out alternate; } @keyframes bgSize { 0...
repeating-radial-gradient()重复径向渐变。可能的参数组合:radial-gradient(center,shap size,stop1,stop2,stop3,stop4)属性包含 circle contain 时,会导致 Chrome 崩溃。http://weibo.com/1583124954/zxjtxBgxp
The @property CSS at-rule is an extension ofCSS variablesthat allows them to be more specifically typed and, it seems, enables the values to be animated to create interesting effects using pure CSS and no JavaScript. 1. Repeating linear gradient with animated angle ...
Pure CSS Gradient Background Animation CodePen Embed Fallback Created by Manuel Pinto Use only CSS to create a simple and clean diagonal gradient background animation. Infinite SVG Triangle Fusion CodePen Embed Fallback Created by Rob DiMarzo ...
background: radial-gradient(red, pink); 角向渐变 background: conic-gradient(red, pink); 基础背景扩展 纯色背景就没什么可说的了,只能改变颜色。 线性背景 对于线性背景,我们可以设置多种颜色,还可以指定每种颜色的绘制位置: background: linear-gradient(-50deg, #F7A37B, #F7A37B, #FFDEA8, #FFDEA...
7 How to animate linear-gradient without using background-position? 0 Matching the start and the end of a repeating-linear-gradient pattern in css 10 CSS: how to create an infinitely-moving repeating linear gradient? 1 CSS Background gradient dynamic animation 2 Creating s...
background-image:radial-gradient(#FFF,#339); 可能的参数组合: radial-gradient(center,shap size,stop1,stop2...) center 渐变中心 top | center | bottom * left | center | right 的组合 a b 尺寸值 a% b% 百分值 top | center | bottom | a | a% 指定一个值,第二个值为 center/50% 默认...
radial-gradient(circle, #fff 20%, transparent 20%); background-size: 15% 15%, 20% 20%, 18% 18%, 20% 20%, 15% 15%, 10% 10%, 20% 20%; } .button-text:active { transform: scale(0.9); } 在button-text的伪类元素上面,添加background-image,并用径向渐变radial-gradient画出多个圆作为...