bg-currentbackground-color: currentColor; bg-black--tw-bg-opacity: 1; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, var(--tw-bg-opacity)); bg-white--tw-bg-opacity: 1; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, var(--tw-bg-opacity));
背景颜色(color) 语法: background-color:颜色值; 默认的值是 transparent 透明的 背景图片(image...
This element has a custom blue background color. In the above example, a custom color called custom-blue is defined in the Tailwind CSS configuration file. The bg-custom-blue class is applied to the element, setting its background color to the defined custom blue color. Responsive Tailwind...
只需要设置几个选项就能完成,并且搭配了 tailwindcss 的 color 系统灵活性也非常的好。
背景色(background color) 背景透明度(background opacity) 背景定位(background position) Tailwind采用bg-{side}方式定义工具类用于设置背景的定位 背景大小(background size) background-size:auto | cover | contain; 当图片大小超过容器大小时,cover属性值会对背景图片进行裁剪,所以一般会配置background-position属性...
Tailwind CSS - Background Blend Mode - Tailwind CSS Background Blend Mode is a utility class that provides an effective way of controlling how an element's background image should blend with its background color.
that we use a custom preset, meaning that our Tailwind equivalents should follow the same structure as what is outlined in Tailwind docs, but the actual names and applied values might differ. For example, all our utilities use thegl-prefix, we use a custom color palette and spacing scale, ...
How to Apply Font Smoothing on Tailwind Elements? How to Control the Background Size in Tailwind? How to Control an Element’s Whitespace Property in Tailwind How to Change the Opacity of a Background Color in Tailwind How to Make Images Responsive with HTML and CSS How to Design Responsive...
A text or backgroundcolor can be overwritten by another color, e.g. so the div is red so the text is green However, this is not working with text-white and text-black. So when I try this: the text is gray instead of white. No huge problem but as a developer I would expect...
For the last few months, I have been learning HTML, Tailwind CSS, and JavaScript. So, I thought of building a project with these to improve my DOM manipulation concepts. In this article, I will be sharing how I made a Background Color Switcher Project. ...