Thanks to the CSS text color syntax, you can determine the exact color of text on your webpage. This syntax is essential because it increases the usability andaccessibility of your website and other marketing collateral. Whether you’re building from scr...
CSS Color Property CSS color property is used to select the color of text, the color of the webpage’s background, and the color of the borders.Its syntax is given as color:[color code]/initial/inherit;.On the other hand, the background-color property specifies the background color of...
Syntax cssCopy to Clipboard /* Keyword values */ background-color: red; background-color: indigo; /* Hexadecimal value */ background-color: #bbff00; /* Fully opaque */ background-color: #bf0; /* Fully opaque shorthand */ background-color: #11ffee00; /* Fully transparent */ back...
The background shorthand CSS property sets all background style properties at once, such as color, image, origin and size, or repeat method. Component properties not set in the background shorthand property value declaration are set to their default valu
Syntax cssCopy to Clipboard /* Keyword values */ background-color: red; background-color: indigo; /* Hexadecimal value */ background-color: #bbff00; /* Fully opaque */ background-color: #bf0; /* Fully opaque shorthand */ background-color: #11ffee00; /* Fully transparent */ back...
.text:after{/* This value is the OPPOSITE color of our background */color:rgb(0,255,255);mix-blend-mode:difference;} See the PenA pure CSS loading barby Robin Rendle (@robinrendle) onCodePen. With thedifferenceblend mode we have to set the text element’s color value to the opposite...
注意:background-color 只能在background的最后一个属性上定义,因为整个元素只有一种背景颜色。 取值规则的抽象形式以及具体的形式化描述:formal syntax 标准语法 [ <bg-layer> , ]* <final-bg-layer>(逗号分割层与层) ...
Finally, all we have to do is set the color and themix-blend-modeof our pseudo element and there we go; a pure CSS loader where the background color influences the foreground text: .text:after{/* This value is the OPPOSITE color of our background */color:rgb(0,255,255...
The pseudo-element of the parent will then contain the semi-transparent background-color. This is accomplished by setting thebackground-colorproperty using thergba()syntax, where the first three characters are the RGB color numbers, and the last number is the alpha or transparency setting. We’...
See also Multiple backgrounds The<color>data type Other color-related properties:color,border-color,outline-color,text-decoration-color,text-emphasis-color,text-shadow,caret-color, andcolumn-rule-color