The setup and rules of the game in six languages, glossary, FAQ, annotated matches, variants, etiquette, and backgammon humor. There are more than 800 articles. GammonVillage Large interactive backgammon portal. Read the online magazine articles and shop for boards, books, and software. Gammon...
Backgammon Rules Everyone Breaks Do you know someone who is always breaking backgammon rules? Perhaps they’re new to backgammon and don’t even know the rules. Maybe you’re breaking them yourself and don’t even know… Backgammon Setup – How To Guide For Beginners ...
There are many variants of standard backgammon rules. Some are played primarily throughout one geographic region, and others add new tactical elements to the game. Variants commonly alter the starting position, restrict certain moves, or assign special value to certain dice rolls, but in some geog...
Backgammon Rules is the essential website for all Backgammon Players. Whether you're a complete Beginner or an Expert, our goal is to make you better.
equally how to play for play money and real money, and everybody will be talented to get suitable opponents. If you are paying attention in playing backgammon online we encompass with two of the best backgammon casinos and be trained the online backgammon rules and take pleasure in the ...
We’ve covered the setup, rules, and ways to win Backgammon. This is a guide designed for new players, as well as anyone who’s looking to refresh their memory. So, break out those folded boards, get your checker pieces down, and get ready to play one of the bestclassic board games...
The rules of the game are unchanged from the regular version that can be played today, and were played for centuries and millennia, all the way back to ancient Mesopotamia where this game was originally conceived. The rules that revolve around luck and strategy are centered around the play ...
Useful And Practical Online Resources For Backgammon Play Backgammon with Real Money Know how easy is to setup a backgammon game board Learn to Set a Backgammon Board Free Backgammon Helps You Hone Your Skills Rules for Playing Backgammon
Backgammon from the “Libro de axedrez, dados e tablas” (“Book of chess, dice and tables”, 13th century) The game evolved over centuries, with variations appearing in different cultures. In ancient Greece and Rome, it was known as “tabula” and “ludus duodecim scriptorum” (game of ...
Backgammon is one of the best PvP games ever created. The Backgammon offline turned into an online board game that stays true to the rules of the original Backgammon game. How to play Backgammon online? Download the game and follow the Backgammon rules: Players get 15 game pieces (AKA checke...