What’s amazing to me is how often I roll doubles when I have a pip on the bar - and of course whatever that double roll is always a blocked position. This is the programming move that shows this game is totally rigged at this point - every time I’m on the bar I say “and my...
at any time of day or night. But for me, the pleasure of playing backgammon is in a live game, watching your opponent right in the eye, while playing on a beautiful board. In this area too, the lack of information is huge. That’s why I decided to test for you different boards an...
just once). I'd trust that and think myself super unlucky, if I hadn't also lost a match with auto-bearoff turned on and watched computer make a bad move on my behalf that literally moved me from winning to losing the game. How hard is it to program the most efficient way to get...
2) In the latest update, after each game you can check a ""seed"" number in the last game statistics. Click on the question mark near this seed and you will be taken to our website where you can check that Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator truly generates this sequence of dice ...
let me tell you some more about the screens. You start out in a room and there are some directions on the bottom of the screen. On the top of the screen there is usually a really nice picture about the words on the bottom. You have to know how to read to play this game, because...
Backgammon Masters is an aesthetically pleasing game for online and single player backgammon. Enjoy the ancient board game in crisp, modern graphics on your sma…
Today it allowed my opponent to capture me in a game where you don’t/shouldn’t be able to capture the opponent’s checker. That checker was stuck for a long time and my other checkers were in différent places on MY board compared to my opponent’s board. THEN, to top it off, ...
game of backgammon, no need to find another one, but I’m going to be deleting it soon because I come to play for relaxation, but instead I get angry because I can’t play because the rolls aren’t fair. Don’t tell me that it’s only in my head, because I’m finally ...
I except losing with all things are equal. This game however has a glitch which is simply this whenever the computer needs the perfect role it gets it exactly. For example if I am uncovered and there’s only two spaces to capture me the computer rolls or two every time it’s frustrating...