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"They have an inferior lunar mission mode per se...but if they make the heavy-lift vehicle, they make everything we need them to make," Zubrin told the audience. "That's the most important thing the lunar program can give the Mars program." Another area for concern, Zubrin said, is...
Kickstarter backers Justin Solomon | CNBC Last week, Oculus VR was one of the most loved companies in the gaming world. Today, it’s in damage control mode. Facebook’s $2 billion acquisition of the virtual reality headset company shocked gamers and game makers alike, who worry that the n...
Rock fracture toughness testing in Mode II—punch-through shear test Numerical modelling of uniaxial compressive failure of granite with and without saline porewater Screening device, in particular for material to be screened containing stones or concrete ...
Since the game’s two protagonists were first revealed, it’s been clear thatYooka-Layleedoes a good job of mimicking the visual style of its precursor,Banjo-Kazooie. However, now it’s time for players to see whether the gameplay is as faithful. ...
129 | return pickers[mode].dismiss(); 130 | } [Fri Nov 18 2022 10:29:48.860] ERROR [Error: TransformError SyntaxError: /node_modules/@react-native-community/datetimepicker/src/androidUtils.js: Unexpected token, expected "]" (21:30) ...
Reports that scatternet, the mode of operation intended to allow the large-scale deployment of Bluetooth wireless networks, is losing support in parts of the developer community, according to executives attending the Bluetooth Congress 2001. Why the scatternet mode has been written into the standard;...
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