Frequently Asked Questions 1. What is the difference between frontend and backend development? Frontend refers to the user-facing, whereas backend refers to the server-side of a website or application. They are like two sides of the same coin. Though both are crucial to web development, they ...
id, 12 bit as serial number. 1 bit: No, why? Because the first bit in binary is negative if it is 1, but the ids we generate are all positive, so the first bit is uniformly 0. 41 bit: Indicates the timestamp in milliseconds. 41 bits can represent numbers up to 2^41 - 1, ...
Pick the right-fit talent for your project to interview, test their skills, and know their approaches to work on your project. 4. Onboard & Begin the Project Once you find your right-fit talent, we’ll help you remotely onboard, begin the project, and provide managed support.Technology...
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