以 AJAX 技术为代表的前端技术给用户体验带来了极大提升,使得前端技术在软件开发中逐步变得主流,前端技术和后端技术差别较大,抛开前端后端编程思想上的差异不谈,让一个写惯了 Java 代码的程序员去写简单的 JavaScript 还行,但是遇到富客户端应用场景就吃不消了。这就促使了一部分后端程序员去专职负责前端技术,就...
If you need a more secure architecture for your SPA, you can apply the Backend for Frontend pattern. This pattern introduces a dedicated backend for token negotiation and management on behalf of the SPA. This way, no tokens will reach the SPA, while the backend will also take charge of pro...
Backend for frontend provides an architecture pattern that supports multiple service UIs. Read on for everything you need to know about the BFF pattern. Backend for Frontend: Understanding the Pattern to Unlock Its Power Posted by Angela Davis on November 13, 2023 Play Listen to audio versio...
Understand the Backend For Frontend authentication pattern and how it can be implemented in ASP.NET with Auth0.
BFF —— Backend for frontend(服务于前端的后端),是为了让后端API满足不同的前端使用场景而演进出来的一种模式。这篇文章我们主要来看看在BFF的实施过程中可能遇到哪些”坑“,为了能够快速理解后面讲到的问题,我们先来简单回顾下BFF的由来和应用场景。
Backend For Frontend (BFF) 零.背景 服务端需要支持多种前端设备下的用户体验时,常常面临现有API与某一端UI紧耦合的情况 比如为PC端页面设计的API需要支持移动端,发现现有接口从设计到实现都与桌面UI展示需求强相关,无法简单适应移动端的展示需求 一.现状...
Backend For Frontend (BFF) 零.背景 服务端需要支持多种前端设备下的用户体验时,常常面临现有API与某一端UI紧耦合的情况 比如为PC端页面设计的API需要支持移动端,发现现有接口从设计到实现都与桌面UI展示需求强相关,无法简单适应移动端的展示需求 一.现状...
As Android developers, we usually have the luxury of treating our backends as magic boxes running in the cloud, faithfully returning us JSON. At Netflix, we have adopted theBackend for Frontend (BFF) pattern: instead of having one general purpose “backend API”, we have one backend per c...
(one backend per user experience),称为Backend For Frontend (BFF),译作用户体验适配层 Consequently it’s often best to define different 可以灵活选择由客户端实现还是服务实现(比如通用性强的由服务实现,甚至为了快速发版过审也可以由服务实现),而不需要跨团队协调参考资料 Pattern: Backends For Frontends ...
Framework for ASP.NET Core to secure SPAs using the Backend-for-Frontend (BFF) pattern - DuendeSoftware/BFF