and some tasks in web development we couldn’t even imagine doing some years ago, are now easy to perform with JavaScript. JS is a default choice and having the backend technology that is also powered by JavaScript is a great way
Back-end development is the process of creating and maintaining the server-side components of a web application. In this blog, know What is Backend Development?
NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime environment for running JavaScript applications outside the browser environment. It’s asynchronous and event-driven, meaning it doesn't block the event loop - making NodeJS highly suitable for the development of server-side web applications. With around 50,000 open...
Node.js, a runtime environment based on native JavaScript, is a versatile tool extensively used in both frontend and back-end web development. Its adaptability allows developers to address multiple development needs with a single technology. Companies increasingly appreciate Node.js for its ability to...
As a Java developer who noticed the career possibilities and developer experience that JavaScript provided, I decided to make a career change from backend to frontend development. For anyone looking to make a similar move, this is how I made the change and why I found JavaScript more valuable...
{"profiles": {"JavaScriptClient": {"commandName":"Project","dotnetRunMessages":true,"launchBrowser":true,"applicationUrl":"https://localhost:5003","environmentVariables": {"ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT":"Development"}}} Add services In the BFF pattern, the server-side code triggers and receives Open...
With the ever-growing demand for software applications, it's become essential for businesses to keep up with the times. The good news is that there has been a recent surge in application development technology advancements. Now, business owners and project managers have a wide range of options....
Lack of IDEs, Node.js developers type code in the form of text editor utensils with plugins. The JavaScript ecosystem isn’t very mature and reliable. Node.js For Product Development Reasons: Choose the Best for Success Conclusions: The two additional technologies, Java and Node.js, have benef...
JavaScript Advantages: With both ExpressJS and NodeJS based on JavaScript, even non-technical individuals find it easy to learn. The popularity of JS simplifies backend development. Google’s V8 Engine Support: ExpressJS benefits from Google’s V8 Engine support, enhancing server-side development in...
What is the Backend Development? Frontend web development involves all that any user sees on his browser when he opens a particular URL. The front end is mostly known as a static environment with only HTML/CSS, when a user opens a website, a host server will respond to the user with th...