三、快速转换 一旦资金到账,立即将7000元的额度转入Traditional IRA。因为是Fidelity内部账户间的转账,资金会立即到账,不要等待,直接进行下一步操作,否则会产生利息。 四、转换到Roth IRA 在转换时,可能会遇到一个错误提示:“我们无法处理您的交易,因为您有其他请求正在处理中。请选择另一个账户或等待当前请求完成。
Fidelity 网站上无法操作这种 Mega backdoor,必须打电话 800-835-5095。这个号码是 Workplace 部门,也就是管理 401k 的部门。401k 和 IRA 在 Fidelity 内部是两套人马,甚至是两套系统,401k 的 online 自助系统叫 Netbeans。打电话的时候可以要求把现有账号 Balance 交过税的部分转到 Roth 401k,或者个人的 Roth ...
Fidelity Viewpoints Key takeaways A "mega backdoor Roth" strategy can potentially allow some people to save more in a Roth IRA and/or Roth 401(k) than they otherwise would be able to. Whether or not the strategy is available to you depends on the specific features of your 401(k) or ...
It’s clear that everyone, from Congress to the IRS to the financial institutions, is aware of the Backdoor Roth IRA. Just look at the ads from Charles Schwab and Fidelity: In fact, Vanguard even mentions the backdoor conversion on its site. If the IRS or a tax court invalidates Back...
How to do a Backdoor Roth at Fidelity 17 Most Common Backdoor Roth IRA Errors #1 Trickling in Contributions to Your Backdoor Roth IRA To be fair, this isn't technically an error. I mean, you can do the backdoor Roth IRA this way if you really want to make your financial life more...
2)Traditional IRA账户最好是单纯用来做Backdoor Roth IRA的,而不与其他账户混用。因为如果账户内已有资金,在存入新的资金又转出后,难以计算新资金的利润。 怎么开IRA账户? 1)直接去券商网站自己开通。如TD Ameritrade, Charles Schwab, Fidelity, Vanguard, Chase等。适用于想自己管理,自己投资买卖股票的情况。
向Roth IRA rollover的这一操作一般需要打电话完成,见券商是Fidelity的例子。做Mega backdoor的员工每月工资到账时向401(k)的custodian打电话指示其做一个after-tax 401(k) -> Roth IRA的rollover,在几天资金会出现在Roth IRA,推荐养成习惯记录Roth distribution table。
The Mega Backdoor Roth IRA allows you to contribute after-tax 401k contributions and then roll them over into a Roth IRA.
3) If I receive a 1099R for the automatic in-plan conversion to Roth in my 401k, this represents any earnings from the time the after-tax contributions are converted – this should be negligible since it is automatically done by Fidelity?
vehicles like the 401(k) andskepticalof tax-now vehicles like the Roth IRA. Working in banking, I was already being taxed out the wazoo and had no desire to pay even more. Frankly, I wasn’t even familiar with the Roth IRA or the mega backdoor Roth IRA when I first started working...