首先你不可以拥有一个tax deferred IRA在你名下,这包括了Traditional IRA,SEP IRA以及SIMPLE IRA,但是不包括401k,403b以及类似账户。 如果你已经有tax deferred IRA钱的话, 必须根据pro-rata 规则来做conversion. 如果你已经有此类账户, 你需要把钱挪到别的地方或者就不要惦记backdoor Roth了。 如果这些账户里的...
A backdoor Roth IRA is a strategy rather than an official type ofindividual retirement account. It is a technique used by high-income earners—who exceed Roth IRA income limits for making contributions—to contribute indirectly–through the back door–by converting their traditional IRA to a Roth...
第⼆步:开⼀个non-deductibleIRA 这就是为什么可以绕开税法的收⼊限制,开non-deductibleIRA是你⽤税后的钱去开户,当年不可抵税,可是因为是IRA,⾥⾯增值的部分可以延期交税,⼜因为IRA可以随时转到Roth IRA,这样就叫Backdoor Roth。这个与IRA⼀样有限度,2016年的最⾼允许贡献为5,500美元,如果...
From there, you simply convert the “non-deductible” contribution from a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. Because you already paid taxes on the “non-deductible” contribution to the Traditional IRA, there are no taxes to pay on the conversion. Regardless of your income, anyone can convert mo...
首先,高收入人群开设一个传统个人退休账户(Traditional IRA)。 然后、他们将传统个人退休账户中的资金转移到罗斯个人退休账户,这一过程可以通过直接转账或先将资金转移到罗斯转换账户(Roth Conversion IRA)再进行转移来完成。 转移完成后,高收入人群需要缴纳相关税款。由于传统个人退休账户通常是基于税前款项建立的,因此转移...
《跟我一起来谈钱》什么是BackdoorRothIRA(关于延迟交税的退休账户)发布于 2021-09-25 09:31 · 481 次播放 赞同添加评论 分享收藏喜欢 举报 MP4纳税格式转换延迟退休格式工厂视频格式 写下你的评论... 还没有评论,发表第一个评论吧...
A Roth IRA is an account that allows assets to grow completely tax free. It is a retirement account that has income limitations. Not everybody can actually contribute to it. That’s where the backdoor Roth conversion comes into play, and there are a couple of different ways that that can...
Backdoor Roth IRA is the income limits for contributing to a standard Roth IRA. When I first started working in banking, I wasn’t eligible to contribute after my first year due to these restrictions. And it took me a full year of working before realizing the benefits of a Roth IRA. ...
CL_美迎会计事务所 1/6 UP主的全部视频 如何利用Mega Backdoor Roth IRA最大化退休储蓄 2播放 【美迎小课堂】第二期:L1A签证大揭秘 10播放 如何选择最佳地点设立不可撤销信托? 7播放 【美迎小课堂】第三期:直播咨询---留学生税务咨询Q&A 0播放 S公司所有者设立合理薪酬 53播放 【美迎小课堂】第一期:...
Conversions Taxable取出时,不交税,交罚金取决于这笔Conversion 是不是已经超过五年,若超过五年,则不交罚金,否则要交。 2. Conversions Non-taxable Traditional IRA/ After-Tax 401k 中存入的本金转入Roth IRA 的部分,取出时不交罚金不交税!! 3. Earnings 所有收益,取出交罚金,也交税 : ( ...